Damon System Braces

Damon braces are fast, fixed orthodontic braces using low friction mechanics - which not only results in quicker treatment times but lighter forces and more comfortable treatment. By using these braces, the patient will experience less visits to the practice and 4-6 months less in their treatment time.

Cosmetic Clear Fixed Braces

These clear ceramic brackets are bonded directly onto the teeth and the use of white wires gives an aesthetic treatment with excellent results.

Functional and other removable appliances

These appliances are used in younger children as a first phase of the treatment, in order to prepare a better jaw relation and create better condition for the permanent teeth to erupt.


Invisalign braces is a way for teeth straightening without obvious braces by using a series of nearly undetectable aligners, which move your teeth, week by week, to the desired position. Using 3D computer technology each of your Invisalign aligners is made to sit  snugly over your teeth and can be removed for eating, brushing and flossing.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are different to other braces as they are fitted to the inside of the teeth. This makes the treatment completely invisible. Though, treatment time is longer and this type of braces is applied in selected cases.


Types of Treatment